A flock of turkeys! There were also deer behind them, but my picture with the turkeys and the deer didn't turn out. It seems like there are always animals wondering around back there!
Speaking of animals (just kidding!), Olivia is still insisting on picking out her clothes each day. Some days are better than others. Her closet is a mix of clothes that are either a little too small or a little too big. It makes for some interesting choices:
This one was the best:
I also found some pictures from New Year's Eve. One of Michael's good friends from high school lives in Ootelwah, about 35 minutes from us. They have 4 kids, the youngest are 4 and 1, so Olivia fits right in! She loves playing with the "big girls."
They got a karaoke machine for Christmas:
And a video:
She had a blast, until the fireworks:
I ended up taking her inside and we watched the fireworks from the window!