If I'm completely honest, I was dreading the first 6 weeks with a new baby. Those are the hardest, right? Not that I don't love snuggling with a newborn, but it's a huge adjustment. We are still adjusting, but we do seem to have found a new normal. We even ventured out of the house this week!
Olivia has been much better this week. She didn't like it when she went somewhere with Daddy and Paige and I stayed behind. We are venturing out as a family and she has been much happier. She has been asking to go bowling, so we gave it a whirl last weekend:
She loved it! She loved it more when Michael found the kiddie ramp that helps her "steer" the ball (that along with the bumpers gave her a pretty good score!):
This is what Paige and I did while Daddy and Olivia bowled:
I had my 6 week check up, where I was released from restrictions. Which means I don't have any more excuses, time to start exercising and get this baby weight off! To get started, we met one of Olivia's friends from school and her mom at a walking track. Olivia and her friend rode their bikes for 2 miles (with a few stops here and there)!
Baby girl has started smiling:
She is pretty strong for a 6 week old- she's been trying to hold her head up since she was a month old. She does pretty well during tummy time:
I spend much of my time with 2 little girls on top of me:
You didn't think I'd let this baby go too long with only 1 hat that fits, right?
Yesterday, Olivia was applying a temporary tattoo that Mom got her when Paige was born. This particular one said "Angel." She asked me what it said and when I told her, she said "I'm putting this one on, because I'm an angel." Michael and I both looked at her and she quickly said, "well, I sure look like one!" Oh my word, what are we going to do with her? Ha!