A mom at gymnastics teaches ISR (Infant Swimming Resource) for infants - age 5. They are intense lessons, 5 days a week for 10 minutes at a time. It's a well-researched program and is designed to teach survival skills to kids if they fall in a body of water. She's not learning strokes (ha!). She HATED the lessons at first:
And she never really got to the point of liking them, but it was amazing how she picked up the skills. Olivia also took lessons at the same time (when she wasn't at a camp!) to learn different strokes. Paige liked it when her sister was there. The last "test" was swimming to the side of the pool in winter clothes.
I was really impressed with the program. Next summer she will have a 1-2 week "refresher" course and will hopefully be good to go. Yay for progress!