Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Grandparents are fun!

Olivia's Mamaw and Papaw (Michael's parents) visited this week. We were busy, busy! They arrived last Wednesday night and left this morning. Thursday, Olivia actually stayed with them most of the day and let Mommy get a haircut and Daddy go to the eye doctor. She's doing much better with the clinginess, actually not screaming when Michael and I aren't in her sight. Fingers crossed it stays that way!
Friday, Olivia had her 15 month appointment. She weighed in at 16 pounds even, but we think she weighed a little on the heavy side. I'll spare the details, we'll just say she was a little stopped up that morning... ;) She's right on track developmentally, with around 12 words she uses regularly and appropriately. She knows 4 animal sounds and can point to most of her body parts. We discussed a few things and finally decided to go ahead with the blood work we had been thinking about doing since her 9 month appointment. Talk about torture. Try holding down your 15 month old while a nurse tries to get 3 vials of blood from her teeny tiny arm. Not fun.
Luckily, we got the results today and they were all normal. She's just a petite little girl! And we're fine with that. :)
We hit Estes Park after her doctor's appointment and this was Olivia when she got out of the car (after being in it an hour and a half):


She was literally squealing, running down the walkway. Estes Park is another place we take most of our visitors. It has an entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park and you are pretty much guaranteed to see elk roaming around.



It's a shame she never gets any attention! Ha! All eyes on her:


We only saw 2 elk in the park and were somewhat disappointed; until we turned a corner and saw this behind the grocery store:


That's more like it! We kept pointing them out to Olivia; she would nod and say "Doggie!"
We stopped at The Stanley Hotel on the way home. It's the hotel where Steven King wrote "The Shining" and the TV mini-series was filmed there. It's supposedly haunted and we wanted to take the tour, but they don't allow children under 5. So, we wandered around and stared at the people that were there for the Paranormal Events conference. Lots of people carrying around books titled "The Ghost Hunters Survival Guide," and "How to Catch a Ghost." Interesting...



The hotel had an ice cream/coffee shop and we stopped for a snack:


Smart people stocked that little shop. They put the stuffed animals on the shelf closest to the floor. You know, the shelf all the kids can reach?


That's Olivia, after she grabbed a bear and headed out the door. Needless to say, he made the trip home with us:


Saturday we headed to the casinos in Blackhawk. It's about 45 minutes from our house. We ended up spending the night and swapping out staying with Olivia. Michael's luck was in check that night and we actually won some money! David won a little and I think Pat broke even. It was a nice little trip and Olivia enjoyed running the halls of the hotel.
We spent the rest of the week around town, visiting different places. Like Little Monkey Bizness:



Going down the slide:

Avry came to play with us Tuesday and we took them to a new kiddie place called The Hop. Look at this place:


Olivia squealed with excitement when we walked in. However, I took her down the "big" slide first. Avry had loved it and she likes slides, so I thought she would be fine. She WAS fine going up and about the first six inches down, then we picked up speed and she was terrified. She left claw marks on my arm, she was holding on so tight. Poor thing. This is what she did the rest of the time we were there:


She loved that car, but I felt really bad she was scared! I got her into one of the bouncy houses with Avry and she did OK:


Mental note: start with the small slides first!
We went to the aquarium Monday, where Olivia sported her first official pigtails:



Does this picture look familiar?


We took a picture in the exact same spot back in May when Mom was in town (and Olivia was sporting her first official half pigtails):


6 months makes a big difference! Michael and David went to the Broncos game that night and seemed to have a great time! I'll post some pics of the game when I get them off of Michael's phone.
Olivia spent many afternoons going on walks with Mamaw (while Mommy and Daddy napped, ha!):


We had a great visit and were sad to see them go this morning. So nice to have a built in babysitter's for a week!

I have to add this video from Halloween. She was being so cute, sharing her candy with Mommy and Daddy:

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