Thursday, May 13, 2010

Baby jail and the Sunscreen Incident

Michael started working on the deck last weekend. The dogs wreaked havoc on the deck with their nails:


He got a good deal on Trex, which never has to be stained (Yay!) and is supposed to not scratch as easily as wood. It's turning out to be more work than we originally thought. I'm trying to help, but it's hard with Olivia. I finally hit on the baby jail. I used to use this gate to keep Olivia and Avry in the playroom. Then I remembered it will connect together to form a circle.


She thought it was fun for 30 minutes. Then she hung over the side, saying and signing "all done."


It's really not safe for her to be outside:


So, I took her inside for dinner. She skipped her nap and was exhausted. This is what happened while she ate her spaghetti:


Work on the deck has temporarily stopped, due to snow and a few days of cold weather (in MAY. There is something so wrong about turning on the heat in May). This weekend is supposed to be nice, though.

Olivia gets so excited when Avry comes over. She waits by the front door and watches for her when I tell her she's on her way:

Yesterday, they were playing nicely in the playroom and I slipped away (I thought they didn't notice) to the bathroom. I was gone maybe 2 minutes. When I came out of the bathroom, I heard giggling in the playroom and this is what I found in the living room:


Yes, that's sunscreen. And it was EVERYWHERE:




This is how found them in the playroom. Have you ever seen two guiltier looks?




To make matters worse, Olivia ate a blue crayon while I was cleaning up the sunscreen.


We need nice weather NOW, so these kids can play outside!

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