Sunday, March 27, 2011

"We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo. How about you?"

The zoo song has been stuck in my head for over a week! Avry's mom called me to see if we could get the girls together and we decided to head to the zoo. It was a little cool, but the kids didn't seem to care. Avry's little brother Ashton is a super laid back 6 month old. The girls had a blast!

Think these 2 were happy to see each other?



We went into the Larikeet Adventure for the first time. Larikeets are Australian parrots and for $1 you can buy a little cup of sugar water. The larikeets will drink it right out of your hand:


I gave Olivia her cup and she promptly dumped it on the ground. Luckily, sweet Avry was willing to share!


They loved all the animals, but the polar bears were by far the favorite of the day. One kept coming up to them at the window, then walking back into the cave. Avry and Olivia would stand at the window until he went back in the cave, then run to see the other polar bear that was laying in the sun. This isn't the best video, but it shows their enthusiasm (and Avry's disgust when he goes back into the cave):

We had a great time and renewed our membership! Olivia is free until she turns 3 and she was really into it and aware of the animals this time. I for see many zoo trips! Plus, she was in heaven with Avry there.

Yesterday was rec rewards at gymnastics. Rec Rewards are for students who aren't competing yet, to acknowledge their dedication (ha!) and improvement. Waiting her turn with her little class:


With her instructor:


She is so proud of her ribbon!


I have to say, she has come a long way in gymnastics. It was all I could do to keep her focused and on task when we first started. Now, I hardly have to redirect her. She has one more session in the Mommy and Me class, then will move up to the 3 year old class (without Mommy, sniff) the end of June.

Her hair has been a sore spot for the last few weeks. It was fairly long and tangled VERY easily. She absolutely HATES having her hair brushed, washed, fixed in general. It was starting to look stringy, so to save us both some pain, she got a haircut. This is a kind of before shot before we went to dinner Friday night:


And here it is now:



I contemplated cutting it myself, but after Michael had me attempt his haircut last weekend (with disastrous results), I decided to take her to a professional. I hope this will end the hair drama!

Her new favorite thing? Bubble baths!!



Have a good week!

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