Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Putt Putt Adventure

We took Olivia to a putt-putt course today. I think it's safe to say we don't have Tiger Woods on our hands. This putt-putt/driving range has only been open a year or so. It's close to Michael's office. Practicing her stance:


She needed a little help:


It was fun, although by the 10th hole, she was throwing her ball (usually into the water features) and saying: "Let's do something else." It didn't help that she INSISTED on wearing her dress up princess slippers (to match the princess shirt she's wearing under her jacket, naturally). The slippers made it through 9 holes before she took them off:


She finally started carrying her ball and putting it right next to the hole:


It was fun, but when we got this look:


We knew it was time to leave!

She loves coloring with markers. On herself. Which is why I rarely let her use them. However, Daddy is wrapped and got them down (I "hide" them on top of the refrigerator) tonight. Of course, her entire foot was colored brown within 2 minutes. So, we decided on the "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em" route. She was getting a bath anyway, so we inked her up:


She was so proud of her barb-wire and "Mom" heart tattoos! Ha, I'm sure I'll be regretting that soon!

Speaking of baths, she absolutely despises it when I wash her hair. She hates for me to pour water on her head, no matter how careful I am- she's always afraid it will go in her eyes (it's Burts Bees tear free, so it doesn't sting!). Lately, when she wants to "help" in the kitchen, I've been filling the sink with water, pulling her learning tower over, and letting her play with cups. She loves it and imagine my surprise when I found her doing this:

Guess it's OK for her to pour water on herself!

Her newest game with Daddy is "Monster." She will ask him to be a monster, then run screaming while he "chases" her. It's cute. She doesn't take no for an answer. When she decides it's time to play Monster, she follows him around, asking repeatedly: "Daddy, you be a monster now?" in her sweetest voice. He normally gives in pretty easily, as she is rather persistent:

One more quick video for our lovely family and friends that send gifts in the mail. Her excitement over the mail is funny, but nothing compared to when she actually gets something in the mail:

Thanks again for thinking of her, she loves checking the mail now!

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