Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day and other festivities

Avry came to play one day last week. These 2 are peas in a pod:


Avry was determined to wear Olivia's bee costume from Halloween. That costume is 18-24 months and Avry is a solid 3t, but we finally managed to squeeze her in it! They have so much fun together and I had some flashbacks of them eating together:



We had a gorgeous Mother's Day weekend and decided to take advantage of a Cinco de Mayo festival downtown. We don't travel downtown too often, so we decided to take the Light Rail on this trip. There's a pick up point just a few miles from our house, so we left the car and rode the "train" downtown. Olivia was thrilled (it was her first time riding, although she's seen it several times).


On the train:


Sure beats trying to find a parking place and then paying $20+ for it! The festival was at Civic Center park, which is literally right downtown:


As soon as we got there, Olivia spotted the ponies. $5 for a 2 minute pony ride- her first time!

Waiting in line:


Her pony:


We also hit the petting zoo that was right beside the ponies. There were lots of baby goats, a bunny, a turtle, an albino blind pony, and some llamas. Mainly goats that came after your cup of carrots like it was their last meal. We didn't last too long!

We had a little picnic in the shade:


And a funnel cake:


We even saw Navy Seals parachuting into the park:


We had a good time, until she started getting tired. We headed down 16th street mall (16th street mall is an outdoor mall right in the middle of downtown. What should be 16th street is blocked off to cars. Pretty neat):


I've wanted to take some pictures of her downtown for awhile, so I snuck a few in. This was the only one that turned out decent. Maybe next time!

We caught the train and headed home.

We also made a park trip this weekend, including the dogs. We recently discovered a dog park with a playground right beside it (we've only lived here almost 4 years and just found this park 1.5 miles from our house!). Poor dogs, they haven't been to the park in awhile. They ran full throttle for 10 minutes, then collapsed in the shade. This was my view walking into the park:


Olivia insisted on wearing 2 tutu's to the park. What fashion sense!

This park also has a sandbox, which was a huge hit:


The dogs were so exhausted from the park, they could barely make it to the car. They were moving so slow, we let Olivia hold Rambler's leash. She thought she was hot stuff:

Hope all the Mommies out there had a great day!

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