Monday, June 27, 2011

Big News

A brief hiatus from blogging, because it's been CRAZY around here! If you haven't heard by now, we are being relocated to Tennessee. Spring City to be exact. Except we won't be living there! We flew in last week to look around and we are leaving again tomorrow to drive the dogs. Yes, drive the dogs. Michael will be staying in TN, while Olivia and I fly back here to man the fort until the final move. Sooooooo, it will be me, Michael, Olivia, Bodine, Rambler, our assorted luggage, and items the moving company told us they wouldn't transport (important stuff like fingernail polish remover) in the car. I will be sure to take lots of pictures!

We've been doing some "lasts" around Denver. Like the zoo! Olivia asked if Rohen could come and they had so much fun.
Waiting for the train. I cannot accurately explain how much Rohen loves trains. This was BIG for him!


And the carousel (this was before it started!):


Sooooo much sugar! They each drank 2 of the slushies and split a bag of cotton candy!


It was really hot, but the zoo just opened an area called North Shore. It's a wading area, so they got to cool off:


My favorite part of the day was watching them with this bird. The bird was mimicking them. They would stand up and the bird would stand up. They would squat down and the bird would squat down. It was really cute, but the funniest thing is at the end of this video. Listen to Rohen after I tell them to say good-bye:

I was rolling and so were a few people around us- too cute!

Olivia and Rohen have also been going to a music class at one of the rec centers. We will definitely miss the rec centers and all they offer! Here they are getting ready to sing Twinkle, Twinkle:


They get a stamp at the end and they always ask for it on their bellies:



While we were in TN last week, Olivia and I went to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. She loved it!
Miss Priss, telling me to hurry:


She liked to watch the stingrays, but not touch:



The penguins were by far her favorite. She didn't take her eyes off of them for a good 15 minutes:

Love the end of that video, when the penguin startles her!

We have a few more fun things plan for when we return! Today we've been getting ready for our drive, including taking the dogs for baths. There is a Wag N Wash right down the street from us. Pretty neat, there are several different areas set up for you to give your own dog a bath. Less expensive than a groomer, plus you don't soak your bathroom! Olivia was very excited to have her own apron (I took Bodine by myself, but she wanted to help with Rambler!):


Fingers crossed we have an uneventful (ha!) drive AND that we find a house this weekend!


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