Tuesday, February 11, 2014

School pictures and the Olympics!

Lots of video's ahead!  Olivia had school pictures this week:

Our friend from church that took our family pictures made them, so I'm sure they'll be great!  I love this one she took for us:

Her gymnastics had a Winter Olympics last Saturday.  It was really cute!  She insisted on wearing her red, white, and blue leotard:

They divided into 4 groups and we got to follow them around to each event.  Paige was a handful, as usual.  Olivia's group finished the bars and were waiting to move to the beam when Paige decided she needed to get to the bars:

Michael let her get in the pit during the beam routines.  See her head sticking up?

Olivia on the beam (her least favorite):

And her floor routine:

She was so proud of her trophy:

And if anyone wants to see her events, I videoed all of them.  Ha!  They're about a minute each.





It was a fun day!

This little nugget:

can walk, but just doesn't want to.  And yes, her hair is crazy.  Sometimes it looks really curly and sometimes it's just wavy, but it is always crazy.  I try to put the top half in a ponytail most days.  I don't know what to do with it!  I was folding laundry a few days ago when I watched (in disbelief) as she stood up and walked about 12 steps unassisted.  She hasn't done it again.  She can crawl like a mad woman, though!

My argument for her being able to walk is in this video:

Really, Paige?  You can stand up and dance, but not walk?  Mommy's not falling for that anymore...I know it's a ploy to get carried everywhere (and it works!).

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