Monday, December 8, 2014

Last competition and Paigeisms

Olivia's last competition of the season (which was the state competition) was last Saturday.  Unfortunately, she started running a fever Wednesday afternoon.  She stayed home from school Thursday and Friday.  She claimed to be feeling better Friday night and her fever was gone, but she still didn't feel very well.  She did well, considering!  She placed 4th on floor, 5th on bars, 5th on beams, 6th on vault, and 6th all around. 

She was a little sad for competitions to be over.  Until her next practice, when they started working on new skills instead of practicing routines!  She still loves gymnastics!

When we were in town for Thanksgiving, the girls and I went to visit my friends from college.  Mary Ellen's youngest, Clara, is 4 months old and I had never met her.  We have 6 kids between us now (and one on the way!), so it's pretty fun to get together!  Eli and Olivia really hit it off.   He's a year older, but has a September birthday, so they are both in first grade.  They put on several "shows" for us.  Eli and Ella have a dog and a kitten, so Paige was in heaven:

Clara woke up and Mary Ellen handed her off to me.  I immediately became the most popular person there.  Megan sent me this picture:


We are getting ready for a birthday.  Paige is a hoot and I love hearing her new words and phrases.  She LOVES to hear Jingle Bells right now.  As soon as we get in the car, she says "jungle bulls" over and over until I play it.

She also has a "look" that she gives you when she's in trouble or just generally upset with you.  She has it perfected.  Example:

She also has a variety of words that only we can understand:

"waden" is water
"au juice" is apple juice
"chokit au juice" is chocolate coconut milk
"bug song" is the Itsy, Bitsy, Spider
"Day" is still Olivia
"Doggy show" is one of the Disney Buddy movies with golden retriever puppies
"wanna snack" means she wants a fruit snack

She also asks "you ok?" if you sneeze, cough, clear your throat, fall down the stairs, groan, hit your head on the car door, run into the coffee table, etc.  And she says it over and over until you say you're ok.  She's also into saying "Mommy/Daddy/Day WATCH," while she does something.  And it's usually something unimpressive, like stomping her foot, but she insists on an audience.  I had forgotten how entertaining 2 year olds are!

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