Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Usual

It snowed a few inches last night and when we got home from the daycare today, Olivia pulled her stool over to the window. Side note: why do toddlers love stools so much?! She carries this stool EVERYWHERE. It came with her kitchen.
Anyway, she was looking at the snow, tapping on the window for the dogs:



Yes, I made her a new hat. :)


She kept looking, so I asked her if she wanted to go outside and play in the snow. She said yes, so I bundled her up and we headed out. It lasted approximately 3 minutes. This girl does not like to be cold!


Maybe if I pull out her snowpants? It was in the 40's today, so I didn't drag them out, just her snow boots. Oh well, hopefully we will get another snowy day to try sledding!
Her kitchen has really enhanced her imagination and pretend play! She loves to "cook" for us and regularly brings us a cup or plate of something. Last night we were walking upstairs and I told her she needed to sleep in her room. She said she wanted to sleep in Daddy's room, because there's a dinosaur in the closet in her room. She also likes to hide under her blanket and then pretend to be a monster. It's really cute!
Not much going on around here, just the usual! Hope you're having a great week!


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