Saturday, April 9, 2011

The End of the Paci

I've been waiting to write this post, just in case things went downhill. So far so good! While going through some pictures last week, I noticed that Olivia's front teeth seemed to be pushing forward a little. Now, it was probably the angle of the camera, but just in case, I thought we had better work on nixing the paci. So, I took it away. Cold turkey. I talked it up for a day, telling her we were going to "buy" a toy with her paci's. Any toy she wanted (hoping I could redirect her if necessary, ha!). She loves to "go shopping" and was really into it. So, last Thursday, we bagged up her paci's and headed to Target. I did catch her hiding under the table with 3 paci's in her mouth before we left. A good-bye suck, I suppose. Here she is with her "money:"


Pretty excited:


I meant to take my camera in Target, but forgot it. Probably just as well, because it took her FOREVER to decide on a toy. I let her take her time, going up and down (and up and down) all the aisles. She grabbed a $10 plastic Dora hairdryer right away and I thought that was what she was going to end up with, until she spotted the baby with a highchair. She is really into her babies and feeding them is a new dimension she recently discovered. So, we came home with a baby that has her own highchair, 2 jars of food, and a spoon. She also says "Mama," in a creepy voice. Her batteries died (luckily) and we haven't replaced them. The baby seems to be helping, although the first night without her paci, she threw it off the bed and said "take it back" when I reminded her where her paci's went. Ha! We are on night 10 minus the paci and she hardly asks for it anymore. Crazy, the things I thought would be the hardest (potty training, getting rid of the paci) have been the easiest.

She insisted that Daddy carry the baby (in her highchair) to the mailbox with them. Olivia? She carried the spoon:


Seems fair, right?

Baby (which is what she calls it, no matter how hard I try to get her to give it a "real" name) is her new sidekick:


We have noticed that she talks MUCH more without her paci. We had this conversation today:

Me- Do you want to go look for an Easter dress?
Olivia- So I can be a princess?! Yes, Daddy can be a prince.
Me- What about Mommy?
Olivia- Hmmm, you can be a bird.

Gee, thanks.

I almost left this one off, because it's gross, so if you have a weak stomach- stop reading now. She doesn't eat the peels off apples. I slice them, she eats the center and gives me the peel to eat. She was eating apple slices in the car today when we had this conversation:

Olivia- Here, Mom an apple for you.
Me (reaching back to get it)- Thanks, Livi! (Pop it in my mouth)
Olivia mumbles something around her next bite of apple.
Me- What did you say?
Olivia- I said, I put my boogie on that one.
Me (Gagging)- Thanks for telling me!


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