Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Preschool Performance Debut

Olivia's preschool had a Thanksgiving luncheon today, with entertainment provided by the students. Let's just say Olivia was less than thrilled:


Oh, wait!! I see an arm movement:


It was short lived:

Her teacher said they did pretty well at practice, but seeing all those parents made her (and the little girl next to her!) freeze. It was still cute! On Tuesday, she came home with a book entitled, "How to Cook a Turkey." Her teacher asked her questions about cooking a turkey and wrote down her answers. These are by far my favorite activities! My favorite answers: What temperature do you set the oven? One o'clock. How long do you cook the turkey? 6 days. Love it!
We tagged along to a conference for Daddy in Gatlinburg last weekend. The hotel had a bear in the front lobby and Olivia asked me numerous times to take her picture with the bear:


Notice her shoes are on the wrong feet. That's what happens when she puts them on herself, but she claims to like it that way!
Our neighbor came to play one day last week and she and Olivia had a blast sliding around in the (still empty) dining/living room. We have ordered furniture, but it can take up to a month to be delivered! As soon as the furniture arrives, I will post our before and after pictures!

That same day, I sent the girls downstairs to play while I cleaned up lunch. 5 minutes later, they came running upstairs saying there was a "scary sound." I kind of blew them off and sent them back downstairs. However, I could hear them screaming, so I went to investigate and there was in fact, a scary sound. Someone (Daddy) had left the downstairs garage door open the night before and somehow, an animal got trapped in the ceiling between the two floors. It was LOUD. Squirrel or raccoon loud (I thought). I called Michael and he and a guy from work showed up with tennis rackets. Turns out, it was a bird. They ended up taking off a bunch of ceiling tiles and it eventually flew out. Never a dull moment!


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