Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall Happenings

The weather has cooled considerably, which brings on my favorite season- Fall!  I think I say that about every season, but there is something special about Fall.  Olivia was beyond excited when the pumpkins and Halloween decorations started showing up in stores.  We went last week to a local apple farm and bought a few pumpkins (and apples!).  She really wanted to paint them and I found an idea on Pinterest that I wanted to try, so we set up our "work" area outside in the driveway:

She insisted on painting her pumpkin pink and purple.  Shocking, I know!  I saw on Pinterest that you can put stickers on a pumpkin, spray paint it, let it dry, then remove the stickers.  I had some spray paint, but it was for plastic.  Unfortunately, it didn't work as well!  Olivia still liked it:

She is so proud of these pumpkins:

She is also really into her Fall wardrobe.  She's picking out her clothes for school in the morning (I help a little), then demands that I take a picture.  I happily oblige:


She has been asking to play putt putt since we got back from Pigeon Forge.  We found an indoor putt putt in downtown Chattanooga and headed there last weekend.  Not quite as "fancy" as the putt putt in Pigeon Forge, but she was happy:
Lucky girl also got invited to a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese (plus 2 more birthday parties in the next 2 weeks- her social events are keeping us busy!):

Things are still going well on the baby front!  She is still measuring right around the 50th percentile, which is great.  I did find out that I'm hypoglycemic, which actually made me feel better (and explained my sugar cravings!).  I had to take the glucose test Tuesday (drink a super sugary, nasty drink, wait an hour, then a finger prick to check your blood sugar).  It's actually to test for Gestational Diabetes, but I was on the other end of the spectrum.  My doctor asked if I really poured the drink down the sink, ha!  Apparently, my blood sugar was incredibly low, even after drinking the sugar drink.  That helps explain the bursts of energy followed by extreme tiredness I've been having!  Hopefully, watching my diet and eating more complex carbs will take care of that little problem. 
I have grown.  A LOT:
I seem to look bigger as the day progresses.  I don't think I'll be getting the "you don't even look pregnant" comments anymore!
For comparison, here I am with Olivia at the same time:

Yep, a slight difference!  Have I mentioned how much I love our DSLR camera?  Let the above picture tell you again. :) 
My tentative C-section date is December 20th.  We'll see if I make it that far!

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