Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Back to Normal?

If I'm completely honest, I was dreading the first 6 weeks with a new baby.  Those are the hardest, right?  Not that I don't love snuggling with a newborn, but it's a huge adjustment.  We are still adjusting, but we do seem to have found a new normal.  We even ventured out of the house this week! 
Olivia has been much better this week.  She didn't like it when she went somewhere with Daddy and Paige and I stayed behind.  We are venturing out as a family and she has been much happier.  She has been asking to go bowling, so we gave it a whirl last weekend:
She loved it!  She loved it more when Michael found the kiddie ramp that helps her "steer" the ball (that along with the bumpers gave her a pretty good score!):
This is what Paige and I did while Daddy and Olivia bowled:


I had my 6 week check up, where I was released from restrictions.  Which means I don't have any more excuses, time to start exercising and get this baby weight off!  To get started, we met one of Olivia's friends from school and her mom at a walking track.  Olivia and her friend rode their bikes for 2 miles (with a few stops here and there)!
Baby girl has started smiling:
She is pretty strong for a 6 week old- she's been trying to hold her head up since she was a month old.  She does pretty well during tummy time:
I spend much of my time with 2 little girls on top of me:


You didn't think I'd let this baby go too long with only 1 hat that fits, right?

Yesterday, Olivia was applying a temporary tattoo that Mom got her when Paige was born.  This particular one said "Angel."  She asked me what it said and when I told her, she said "I'm putting this one on, because I'm an angel."  Michael and I both looked at her and she quickly said, "well, I sure look like one!"  Oh my word, what are we going to do with her? Ha!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Sneak peek...

The newborn pictures we had made are ready (a local photographer and I traded- I made her some hats for props and she took newborn pictures!).  She has a CD with the pictures, but we are stuck inside with this yucky weather.  She did give me a sneak peek:

Why does this make me want to cry?!  Love these sweeties!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ultrasound and more pictures!

Despite a very unhappy, wiggly baby, the ultrasound technician was able to get the required pictures.  The result?  Completely normal!  So glad that's over!

Paige's 4 and 5 week pictures:
Olivia at 5 weeks:

This is why Paige looks big to us!  We keep getting the "she's so small," comments, but she is much bigger than Olivia at this age.  She fit into a 0-3 month sleeper yesterday, so sad to see her already outgrowing the newborn clothes!  Only 1 hat I made her still fits.  Olivia definitely had more hair, not sure why I thought Paige has more.  I think I'm remembering Olivia at closer to 4 months, when she lost most of that hair!
Another picture of both girls and a video:


 A few pictures I took when Paige was a week old.  I did have professional newborn pictures made, but I don't have them back yet!


Don't worry, I'll post the professional pictures as soon as I have them, ha!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Stats, month 1

This little sweetie:

is not a fan of doctor appointments!  She does not like to have her clothes off and she does not like anyone messing with her when she's sleeping.  She started crying so hard at one point that the doctor had to leave the room and let me nurse her, so she would calm down.  Luckily, Olivia was at school during this appointment- she is not a fan of hearing Paige cry.  She tries to help- mainly by sticking her face right in Paige's, saying "Shh, shh, sister's here."  Not usually something that calms little sister! 
Paige is doing great!  She weighed in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces and 20 inches long.  She gained 2 pounds in a month- girl likes to eat!  She is in the 20th percentile for now.  Funny, she looks so big to me, but that is the same size as many newborns!  We'll see how she grows from here. 
She has an ultrasound in the morning to check her kidneys.  She was born with a 2 vessel umbilical cord (there should be 3).  This sometimes points to kidney problems, so her doctor wanted to get an ultrasound to be on the safe side.  Should be fun, ha!

Still working with Olivia on being gentle with her sister.  Paige gets the funniest look on her face when Olivia is around.  It's like she can't decide if she's fascinated or terrified:


She still loves holding her, but isn't great about supporting her head:
Which leads to Paige crying and this:
Which leads to more crying!
Michael has been great about making Olivia feel special- trips to Wal- Mart and dinner with just the 2 of them.  I am not going many places (ha!), but still trying to give her attention when we're home alone.  Lately, she's mostly wanted to make cookies (I am never going to lose this baby weight!).  She loves to help mix and has been asking to break the eggs recently.  I finally let her and this is what happened:

Those cookies might have had a little extra crunch!
It was probably gas, but I did get a smile yesterday:

And a dimple picture:

I adore this baby!





Monday, January 14, 2013

1 month!

How in the world is this sweet girl already a month old?


She has her 1 month well visit tomorrow!  I can't wait to see how much she weighs.  She is so much bigger than Olivia at this age, yet still so small.  Cracks me up how many people comment on her size.  Look at this belly:

You know how I like comparison pictures!  Olivia at 4 weeks:
Paige's 3 and 4 week pictures:
Olivia still loves her baby sister.  Sometimes a little too much!  She doesn't quite understand exactly how gentle she needs to be with her.  She's definitely had some adjusting, but I think we've turned a corner (thank goodness!).
Here's a picture of Paige and Olivia wearing the same sleeper and in the same bouncer.  Can you tell them apart?

Hope you have a good week!