Monday, September 1, 2014

New house and lost teeth

We are finally starting to make some progress with unpacking.  Our new (to us) house is smaller than our house in Dayton, so we are tossing stuff left and right!  We are in a subdivision with an HOA (again) that has garage sales twice a year.  There's a Facebook page, so I posted a question asking when the next one is, because we have lots of stuff to sell.  The president responded, saying the date hasn't been set and they need someone to head up the organization of the sale.  Do you see where this is heading?  I somehow found myself chair of the twice a year subdivision garage sales for the foreseeable future.  The good news?  I get to pick the dates!

I wasn't kidding about having boxes up to our ears:


Unloading the truck:

The girls are excited about the new house:

Especially the amount of kids that live in this neighborhood.  Lots of friends nearby!

Olivia has had a very loose tooth for a few weeks.  She was afraid to just pull it and we weren't pressuring her to (yuck).  Her permanent tooth was pushing it out pretty fast, though.  Paige and I went to eat lunch with her at school last Wednesday and this is what we found:

They make a big deal about losing teeth at school.  She got to go see the nurse, get a special treasure box to put her tooth in, and a sticker.  Very proud of all the fanfare of losing a tooth at school.  She laid the box out for the tooth fairy (we hadn't unpacked her tooth fairy pillow yet!).  The tooth fairy left her a nice note that explained she leaves $5 for the first tooth and $1 for the rest.  Olivia woke up to the note and money, then looked at her empty treasure box and burst into tears.  Apparently, she didn't understand that the tooth fairy actually takes the tooth.  Mommy fail.  So, we left a nice note asking for the tooth back, which the tooth fairy happily complied.  Crisis averted.  She said she would keep one, then leave one, keep one, then leave one.  Ha!

A few pictures from her competition:

So cute (this isn't the whole team):

A little nervous in line up (next to last):

Warming up:

Getting ready for vault:

She can't wait until the next one!

Paige is keeping us on our toes.  Michael watched them this morning while I was getting ready and he commented that Paige is like a wrecking ball.  Pretty good analogy for her.  She is adamant about doing everything the way Olivia does.  Case in point:

She refuses to ride in the buggy.  She either has to walk (incredibly slowly, as she stops to examine EVERYTHING) or ride on the end.  Trying to get her to do otherwise results in a massive tantrum. 

My favorite video of Paige right now- asking for more popcorn:

And to add to the craziness, Peach will be joining our family:

We had talked about possibly getting a kitten.  To Olivia, that meant we were getting a kitten.  Paige lost Olivia's prized tooth one day on our way to pick her up from school (we finally found it in her car seat).  Olivia was not happy, so I told her we would go look at the cats at the animal shelter to distract her.  I also wanted to make sure Paige wasn't allergic.  Well, surprise, surprise, we fell in love with this little kitten.  She's 3 months old and was very calm and gentle as Olivia carried her around.  She didn't even mind when Paige pulled her tail.  She just snuggled up and purred.  Then we were told that the shelter was doing an adoption program this summer.  If they adopt out 800 pets, they will receive a huge grant.  They were only 25 away and someone had covered all the fees for the 800 pets.  It was a sign!  I sent Michael a text and he responded with "Don't get a cat that sheds."  I took that as "yes" and signed the papers.  We pick her up tomorrow!

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