Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving and such

The Sunday before Thanksgiving, we took the girls to see the Rockettes at the Grand Ole Opry.  It is the last year they are in Nashville and it was awesome!  The girls loved it.  Pictures and videos aren't allowed, so I only have the picture I took before we left and one right before it began:

Michael had to work Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week, so we didn't head to east TN until Wednesday.  Since we were going to be gone over the weekend, I decided to put our tree up a little early.

It was fun to set the tree up in the new house. 
We headed to east TN and visited with family and ate until we were stuffed. :)  Michael's grandmother wasn't feeling well, which is always a bummer on a holiday (especially with a bunch of kids running around your house):

Then we headed to Stoney Creek for lunch at Dad's house.  Always fun to play with the cousins!

Paige always asks to have her picture made when I have the camera out.  And she always poses like this:

Ha!  We also ate dinner at Lilo's, where I failed to take any pictures!  *Must remember to keep camera glued to hand on Christmas*

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