Monday, December 15, 2014


Dear Paige,

Yesterday you turned two years old!  You celebrated earlier this week by bringing cookies to your Mother's Day Out class.  I wanted to take a picture of you before school in your birthday shirt.  You stood still when I asked, but that's about it:

It wasn't much better at school:

Oh, well.  You were very excited after school, because they sang Happy Birthday to you.  You asked me to sing "Happy" to you at least 10 times that day.

We spent your birthday as a family, fought the Christmas traffic and headed to downtown Franklin for A Dickens Christmas.  This is something that happens every year, where actors dress up like characters from Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol.  There are food and craft vendors, dancing, and music.  You and Olivia both loved it!

There was even a snow machine:

We then headed home for cake and presents!


You were very interested in both cake and presents:

Day was happy to help:

We went to your 2 year well visit today.  You posed in front of the mirror:

And posed with Mommy:

2 year stats:  32.5 inches (10th percentile) and 22.6 pounds (20th percentile).  You are only 1/4 inch taller and 2 pounds heavier than Olivia at 2 years.  We apparently make small babies. :)

You are a little diva:

Along with "your" words, you've also started adding a "y" to verbs.  Example:  "washy my hands," "brushy my teeth/hair," "petty the cat," watchy a show," "eaty my snack," "lovey my baby," etc.  It's comical!  Words we never thought you could add a "y," you figure it out. 

We also made cinnamon applesauce ornaments this weekend.  They smell good, but you weren't too impressed and looked at Olivia and I like we were crazy for putting our hands in the dough.  We quickly figured out why when you called it "poop:"

That is currently my favorite video! 

We love you so much, sweet girl!  Happy, happy day to you!

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