Friday, February 27, 2009

Getting over the sniffles.

Luckily, Olivia is feeling much better (and the rash is gone!). However, she did pass her cold along to Mommy. I'm feeling better, but now Michael is under the weather.
Good news! Olivia let me leave her in the nursery at the gym! I managed a 45 minute workout. I think the key is taking her when she's really sleepy and making sure the woman with blonde hair is working. :) Apparently, she sat in her carseat and watched the other kids playing. She DID NOT sleep, even though she was exhausted, so when we got home she napped for almost 2 hours.
Some recent pics (in a new diaper!):




Something I've been working on and finally finished:





I've been crocheting for a few years, but this is my first knit creation. I taught myself to knit using I found a free pattern online and started this 3 weeks ago. Some of Olivia's cloth diapers need a cover and wool is great for it. These are still really big for her- I was afraid to try and adjust the pattern! She'll grow into them.... eventually.


Maybe next week will be more interesting...


  1. Thanks for the tip! I have been dying to learn to crochet or knit. I'll have to check out that site. Congrats on getting to leave her in the nursery. Even 45 mins. of mommy time can make all the difference!

  2. Well done! Your knitting is awesome. You're finished - what's the next project? She looks so cute in those pictures with the new diaper and the bow!
