Friday, March 26, 2010

Finished projects and Sparkly shoes

We woke up to this last weekend:



March is normally the snowiest month in Colorado and it's living up to it's name. Luckily, it will snow one day and be 60 degrees the next, so it doesn't stay around long! Michael is usually happy to use his snow blower.
Since it snowed, we decided to put in a new sink. We had a white porcelain looking sink:


That's a really good picture. It was really hard to keep clean and paint was peeling off the bottom.
Here's during:



Olivia helped by wrapping herself in Teflon tape:


The hardest part was moving the garbage disposal, but Michael finally figured it out and here's the new sink:



He also finished the toy storage for the playroom:



We got Olivia a little table:


She really likes (coloring on) it!

We went to the mall today to get some sandals. She won't be wearing sandals for a few weeks, but I had a coupon. She's never shown much interest in clothes or shoes, but as soon as I got her out of the stroller to get her foot measured, she made a beeline to a pair of sparkly shoes. Sparkly as in covered in sequins. She managed to get her shoe and sock off and was trying to get her foot in the sample. Silly girl. Needless to say, we left with a pair of sandals AND the sparkly shoes- on her feet.


Miss Independent wanted nothing to do with the stroller. She wanted to show off her new shoes. Every mirror and store front window we passed, she would admire her shoes and say, "Oh, cute," except it sounds like "ah, coot!" I say everything is "cute" all the time, so I guess she picked it up. She made lots of new friends at the mall (and it took us almost an hour to walk from one end to the other, what with all her admiring and admirers!)
I have a feeling we'll be seeing alot of these shoes:


She even carried them around with her when she took off the rest of her clothes:


Yes, that's a potty chair. No, she's not ready. We thought we would give it a try. She thinks it's a new toy. It has a sensor in the bottom that plays a song when you "go." However, she figured out that if she puts her foot in the bottom and covers the sensor, it will sing:


I think I'm going to put it up for a couple of months, so it will be "new" when she's ready.
She follows me everywhere around the house. I was cleaning the bathroom today, when I turned around and saw this:


Her gymnastics teacher was really impressed with her hanging skills. Guess she's practicing!

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