Monday, August 23, 2010

Making Memories

Last week I took Olivia to Arts on Fire, the pottery painting studio we went to last year for her birthday. Remember this?


Yea, she did somewhat better this year, although I had to move her to the head of the table after she painted the wall.



At least she didn't eat any paint this year! Here's the finished plate:


And a side by side with the plate from last year:


Amazing! We also went to her 2 year well visit last week. She weighed in at 20 pounds and 4 ounces! I never though the day would come that she would be 20 pounds! Still not on the charts, but she stayed on her curve. She was 32 1/4 inches tall, which was the 9th percentile (yay!). Her pediatrician dropped us back to 6 month weight checks, which is great! She was on monthly weight checks until 18 months, then we were on every 3 months, and now every 6. I was pretty excited, because she has been sooooo active this summer, it's amazing she's gained weight!

I haven't updated the blog in a few days, because I was getting ready for a craft show our church had last weekend. It was my first show and although the turn-out wasn't as good as we had hoped, it was fun! Here's my table:


It was right after Olivia's gymnastics class, so she "helped" me set up by eating the majority of the tootsie rolls for the table:


She modeled a hat for a little while, then Michael picked her up. I'm going to list the items that didn't sell in my (empty) Etsy shop!

Her new favorite thing is hiding in the dryer:


If you notice in that picture and the at the craft show, she has a Minnie Mouse doll. We were at Wal Mart and she found a dog toy. Not a cheapo dog toy- it was $10! It was a long ferret looking stuffed animal with a squeaker. The worst part was it smelled- as in they sprayed something on it to attract dogs. So, she's dragging around this smelly dog toy and in desperation (she screamed every time I tried to take it away), I took her down the toy aisle. It worked. She found something she liked better- the Minnie Mouse doll. Only problem was there were 3 of them and she wanted.all.three. I let her carry them around in the buggy while we finished shopping, explaining that 2 Minnie Mouse dolls had to stay there for another boy or girl. She kept saying "OK, Mommy." However, when we got to the checkout, she threw the mother of all tantrums. As in shrieking (I really can't describe her screams- it sounds like glass could shatter), throwing herself on the floor, kicking her legs. It was so bad that a teller from the bank at the front of the store came over and tried to give her a sucker. She took it and threw it at her. It.was.bad. I paid as quickly as I could and carried her out, kicking, screaming, scratching, the whole way. And I used to wonder why parents didn't like taking their 2 year olds in public! Minnie has become one of her newest "loveys." I just wish she would drop the blanket. She drags it EVERYWHERE and I can hardly get it away from her to wash it. It's turning a lovely shade of gray...

Here are some short videos of her gymnastics class. She's doing somewhat better at listening and following directions. The trampoline is by far her favorite. They jump down it, crawl over the yellow mat at the end, then bounce back on the bouncy thing (what are those things called?!):

She really gets into jumping off the end:

Here they were supposed to chase after the ring and try to catch it before it fell. The first time she did it right. The next time (the one I videoed), she waited until it fell to get it:

Stinker. She wasn't going to run after it when she knew it would fall on its own!
We're leaving Friday for a quick wedding weekend in TN! Hope to see some of you soon!

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