Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Olivia and the IMAX

I took Olivia to The Wildlife Experience today. We have a membership (for the 2nd year!) and the weather has turned much cooler, so we needed a good indoor adventure. Although we've been several times, we haven't tried the IMAX theatre. I took Olivia and Avry to the dollar theatre to see Toy Story 3 a couple of weeks ago (side note- 2 and under are free, so the three of us saw the movie for $2.50!) and she did really well, but IMAX is different. Much bigger screen and much louder, but I thought we would try it. It's free for her and $7 for me, so not a big deal if she hated it. We headed to the theatre and had a little trouble with seating:


Then I figured out there were booster seats:


Much better! We watched Dolphins and Whales. She did really well the first 45 minutes- every time a dolphin or whale came on the screen (which was pretty frequently) she would say: "Mommy, YOOK(look)!" Pretty cute! It was a slow moving, informational film, so we left about 15 minutes early to hit the rest of the museum.


She loves fish! She kept pointing and saying "Dory, Dory!" Dory is in Finding Nemo for those of you out of the Disney Movie loop!


She stopped in her tracks when this monkey started making noises. I kept having to remind her that they're pretend:



I tried to get her to pose in front of this elk when we were leaving, but she wasn't into it!


It was fun!

As I've mentioned, her language is getting better and better. It's so fun to have actual conversations with her! There are still some things she doesn't quite understand. She doesn't get it when someone asks "How/What are you doing?" She ALWAYS answers with: "I'm 2!" The first time she said it, I was caught off guard and said: "Oh, you're 2? Mommy's 30!" She hasn't forgot that conversation! EVERY time someone asks her how/what she's doing she answers: "I'm 2, Mommy's 30!" It's bad enough that she's announcing my age to everyone, but with her toddler drawl, it sounds more like: "I'm 2! Mommy's dirty." Ha! I finally caught it on video:

Here she is singing the ABC's a few weeks ago- she kind of fades at the end! :)

Her teeth are blue from eating M&M's- that was before she was completely potty trained. She goes without a reward now! Potty training was not supposed to be that easy, we were really lucky!

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