Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Two (and a half)


Your half birthday is this month! So, what are you up to?

- You weighed in at 22 pounds and 12 ounces at your doctor's appointment last week. 33.8 inches tall. Still petite. :)


- You are wearing 18-24 month clothes, although some of your shirts are 2t.


- Your vocabulary is awesome! Sometimes you are shy around people you don't know, but you can carry on a conversation with anyone. There are some words you've said recently that I'm surprised you know: diamond (the shape, ha!), helicopter, janitor, screen (on the window), and place mat (I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head).


- You know most of your colors, but think it's really funny to tell Mommy the wrong color when she asks. You can sing the ABC's and count to 20, skipping a few numbers. We sing a song with the letters of your name and you almost have it memorized. You also know simple shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle, star, heart).


- You love playing dress up. You and your friend Renya at daycare love putting on princess dresses and trying to make all the boys play princess.


- You really like puzzles, "cooking" in your kitchen, and singing. You have so many songs memorized! We love hearing you sing.


- You are a sensitive soul and get your feelings hurt easily. You aren't too sure how to express that, so you tend to say "_____________ hit me." Example: Daddy wouldn't turn the TV to Mickey a few nights ago and you ran to me and said he hit you. We are currently working on the phrase: "____________ hurt my feelings."


- You take naps about half the time. Some are 30 minutes and some (like today!) are almost 3 hours! You're always in a better mood when you take a nap and it doesn't seem to affect your bedtime either way. You are a night owl. :)

- You've recently become interested in pirates and love to say "Argh, Matey!" Example:

- Daddy and I love you more than you'll ever know!

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