Last Saturday we decided to check out Fall Creek Falls state park. It's right outside of Pikeville, TN- about 45 miles from Dayton. It's a pretty curvy road over a mountain, but we made it! It's a huge state park and there were several families camping. It has several playgrounds and pools, but the main attractions are the waterfalls:
You could park your car very close, so it was a short walk to see this one. Olivia really liked it:
There was a sign that pointed to more waterfalls along a path. The path was a mile long and we thought Livi could handle it. She did pretty well at first:
But, it wasn't too long before it turned into this:
So, we turned around and drove to the other waterfalls! It was raining off and on most of the day, so only one picture, even though there were a few more waterfalls:
It was a fun little day trip!
A baby deer has been visiting our backyard recently. It really doesn't seem too afraid of us. It lets us get really close:
We've been leaving apple cores, hoping it will let us hand feed it eventually!
Olivia is so excited, though not surprised. Afterall, she has been telling us this baby is a girl from the beginning. Another perk of having a doctor that does an ultrasound at every visit, is you get to find out the gender pretty early. I was a little under 16 weeks when we found out. Olivia was with me and when we told her it was a girl, she said "I know." Funny girl! We are excited and baby girl was measuring in the 48th percentile, which is bigger than Olivia at this point (yay!). I go back August 10 to make sure she's staying on track!
Here she is:
And the most recent bump pics:
3 months:
4 months:
Definitely started showing earlier this time around!
Someone isn't used to the camera not being pointed at her:
Olivia got the flu. In June. Looks like fun, doesn't it?
We found this "lovely" painting at an estate sale last winter. Not exactly our style, but it's a huge picture and I thought I could do something with it. It's been hidden behind our bedroom door for months, but Livi and I pulled it out recently to give it a face lift:
We were going in one direction, then I changed my mind and ended up covering it in fabric and cutting a design out of contact paper to adhere to the fabric:
Then we spray painted it and here's the finished product:
I don't really "love" it, but it's good for now. Plus, we can just remove the fabric and have a freshly painted canvas for our next project!
We went to dinner in downtown Chattanooga with our neighbors one night and Olivia joined us:
We threw in a trip to Dollywood:
And cooked out and shot fireworks with the Parr family on the 4th:
Throw in a trip to the Aquarium:
And it's been an eventful summer! Olivia is also taking gymnastics (in Ootelwah, which is about a 35 minute drive, but she LOVES it and is doing really well):
She has also decided she wants to be a cheerleader and decided a flag makes the perfect pom-pom:
She asks me to take her picture constantly!
I have to get better about pulling out my "big" camera! All of these pictures I took with my phone and they just aren't as clear.
We got some exciting news yesterday! More updates on the way!