Friday, July 27, 2012

Fall Creek Falls

Last Saturday we decided to check out Fall Creek Falls state park.  It's right outside of Pikeville, TN- about 45 miles from Dayton.  It's a pretty curvy road over a mountain, but we made it!  It's a huge state park and there were several families camping.  It has several playgrounds and pools, but the main attractions are the waterfalls:


You could park your car very close, so it was a short walk to see this one.  Olivia really liked it:



There was a sign that pointed to more waterfalls along a path.  The path was a mile long and we thought Livi could handle it.  She did pretty well at first:



But, it wasn't too long before it turned into this:


So, we turned around and drove to the other waterfalls!  It was raining off and on most of the day, so only one picture, even though there were a few more waterfalls:


It was a fun little day trip!

A baby deer has been visiting our backyard recently.  It really doesn't seem too afraid of us.  It lets us get really close:


We've been leaving apple cores, hoping it will let us hand feed it eventually! 

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