Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Birthday Party

Olivia decided on a cowgirl birthday party this year.  It was actually pretty low key, but we had a really good time!  We had lots of visitors:  Mamaw and Granny Stills drove down and brought presents, including a sand box!  Then Dad and Tammie came down a couple of days before and helped me get the house ready (thanks again!):

Then Mom and Lilo came and helped decorate, get the food ready, and throw together some last minute goody bags.  Miss Priss was beyond excited:

Luckily, someone that works with Michael makes cakes and made these adorable ones for the party:

Michael fired up the grill and got the burgers and hot dogs cooked.  We had way too much food!  Before long, it was time to sing and blow out the candles:

She had a little trouble with the last one:

Next, was Olivia's favorite part:  presents!

After presents was my favorite part of the night!  Let me introduce you to the "Swamp Donkey:"

Our neighbors kids were asking for a horse.  Dennis decided this was much more practical!  He had a friend weld the top part onto a trailer, then bought 3 saddles.  Pretty neat, right?  No worries, they were going slow!

Why was this my favorite part of the night?  Because look who got talked into riding:

You know I got a video (although short):

Who needs a bounce house when you have a swamp donkey?

We moved the party inside as it started getting dark and Olivia broke out some of her gifts:

We had a great time!  Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate our little girl!

In other news, she had her 4 year well visit Monday.  She was 39 inches tall, which was the 40th %! Highest ever for height.  She was 31 pounds, which was 23rd %.  She's getting up there!

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