Saturday, June 15, 2013

1/2 birthday


You are 6 months old!  Although I could go on about how fast time is flying, I will instead tell you how much you are loved and what you are like at 6 months.  You smile with your whole body.  I don't know how else to describe it- your face lights up, your arms and legs go crazy and you squeal.  This isn't a once in awhile thing, it's every time you smile! 

You are not scared of strangers (as long as Mommy and Daddy are holding you) and you charm everyone you see.  I've lost count of how many people have told me you look like a doll.  We, of course, agree.

You are a little wobbly sitting up, but are improving every day.  Your doctor was impressed with your strength!  You are trying your best to crawl and I'm afraid it won't be long.

You weighed 14 pounds, 10 ounces and were 25 1/4 inches at your check up yesterday.  Your iron was checked (which was low and you are now on an iron supplement!) with a finger prick.  The nurse had a hard time poking you, because you kept smiling at her.  Even though you cried, you calmed down pretty quickly.  You wear 3-6 month clothes, but are quickly outgrowing them.  You love to be outside.  We went to a splash park this week and you sat and watched the kids playing with a big smile on your face.

You absolutely adore your big sister.  The feeling is mutual, although we are constantly reminding her to be gentle with you.  She loves you so much, she wants to squeeze you!


You are very drooly in this video (Mommy was sure a tooth was coming), but the doctor didn't see any sign of one yesterday.

Your tummy issues seem to be resolving.  You tried sweet potatoes last week and LOVED them.  You are very interested in food.  We went out to dinner last night and Mommy and Daddy had to take turns holding you, because you were grabbing everything on the table and trying to shove it in your mouth (salt and pepper shakers, fake flower, forks, napkins, etc.).  Mommy even gets to add lots of food back to her diet- the only things we are avoiding now are dairy and soy.  We will avoid those until you are 1 and hope you have outgrown the allergy.
We love you so much and can't wait to see how much you grow and change in the next 6 months!


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