Monday, September 30, 2013

Nine down

We currently have a 9 month old residing at our house:

A smiley, happy, into everything 9 month old:

She really does laugh quite a bit.  She cracks up over the silliest things (an electric toothbrush, Olivia doing anything, Daddy walking in a room, I could go on and on...).

My friend Staci helped me with these pictures while our big girls were in dance class tonight.  We were making fools of ourselves to get her to smile.  It worked:

We went to her 9 month check up last week.  She was 15 pounds, 10 ounces and 26.5 inches long.  She was in the 15th percentile for both, which is the curve she's been on since she was 6 weeks old.  Her iron was still low, even with the multivitamin she's been on for 3 months, so she is now on a prescription iron drop.  Olivia had low iron at this age, too.  They have apparently improved the taste significantly, because Paige doesn't seem to mind it at all! 

She is such a joy.  I have decided to try to stop being sad about time passing so quickly and instead enjoy each day.  This week, I am enjoying late night snuggles on Olivia's bed while we read books before going to sleep.  I even enjoy Paige crawling all over us and Daddy having to come rescue her, before Olivia loses her cool (ha!).  I especially enjoy picking Olivia up from school and hearing her excitedly tell me about her day.  Soaking it all up...

And just because she's cute:


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