Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

By Olivia:

Mommy said I should tell you about my Christmas, so here goes! Mommy has been really excited for a few weeks about Christmas. She put up a big tree right in the middle of my playroom! It looks really neat and I like everything hanging off of it, but Mommy didn't like for me to take all those things off. She put a gate around it so I couldn't get to it! Not very nice, Mom.
When I woke up Thursday, Mommy said it was Christmas Eve. She and Daddy took me to a place called The Wildlife Experience. Mommy said I had been there before with my cousins Maggie and Aubrey, but I don't remember. It was really neat! Daddy kept telling me the animals weren't real, but they sure looked real!


Daddy helping me get a closer look at some vultures:


We were walking thru where the fish live, when I saw fish on the ground, swimming right beside my feet! I thought it was really neat and I chased them around for awhile. You can't see the fish in the pictures, though. Daddy said the flash on the camera makes them disappear? I think they're hiding, because Mommy was taking so many pictures!



We had a really fun time! When we got home, Mommy made a big ham dinner. My favorite part was the mac and cheese. Mommy loves it when I hold my fork in one hand and eat with the fingers on my other hand. Anything to make Mommy happy!


Mommy let me open one present that night and it was crayons for my bathtub! I wanted to use them right away, so Mommy let me take a bath. It was so much fun, I made the bathtub look beautiful.
I woke up the next morning and when I got downstairs, there were presents everywhere! It was really neat, but I was hungry! I didn't want to open any presents until after I ate. Mommy said that would change soon. A girls gotta eat! Mommy made Monkey Bread for breakfast and it was delicious! She said it would be our tradition on Christmas. Then a few hours later, she said I maybe shouldn't have so much sugar first thing in the morning. Hmmmm.


Here I am checking out my presents:


Pretty neat, huh?



After breakfast, it was time to open!



I wanted to play with all the toys when I opened them, but Mommy wanted to open all our gifts first. Shew, that was a little frustrating for me, but I finally agreed. Every time I opened a gift, Mommy would tell me what it was, then say "Yay!" So, I started saying it when I opened gifts. Mommy and Daddy thought it was funny.

Daddy loved taking all my toys out of boxes and putting them together for me. Mommy thought it was funny for some reason.


I got sooooo many nice things from my family in Tennessee! I can't wait to see them in January to thank them:



Mommy let me wear my pajamas ALL DAY. It was awesome! We had a nice day playing with my toys and hanging out in our pajamas. Mommy finished another hat for me:


Seems like I have alot of hats....
I got to wear this cute dress to church yesterday:


And that was our Christmas! How was yours?

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