Monday, December 7, 2009

Olivia's Bag o' Bread

We went a few weeks with Olivia not eating much. She snacked here and there, but didn't really eat like she used to. It showed at her weight check Monday- she gained 1/2 ounce in a month (up to 16 lbs., 1/2 ounce). Well, that all changed this week. She eats all.the.time. BUT, she wants to play all the time, too. So we end up fixing her something to eat, she'll take a few bites, sign that she's "all done," get down to play, and sign "eat" 5 minutes later. It's a slightly frustrating process. We don't want her to be hungry, but we do want her to eat enough at meals.
Anyway, I was putting up dishes Wednesday, when she walked in the kitchen. She pointed to the top of the counter with an "uh, uh, uh." Her way of telling me she wanted something. I had no idea what she was pointing at, so I picked her up and she went after a Ziploc bag of rolls from dinner the night before. I gave them to her and you would have thought it was the best thing she ever put in her mouth. She carried that bag around for an hour, reaching in every once in awhile for a handful of bread.





Guess she's going to be a carb girl (like Mommy!).

We've really been working on signs with her, lately. She's at that age where she knows what she wants, but can't communicate to tell us. It leaves her very frustrated (and whiny!). So, we're watching her Baby Signs DVD as much as possible and using the signs with her. She already signs "all done," "more," "eat," "drink," and "baby" appropriately. She signs along with almost all of the DVD, but those are the ones she uses the most right now. I hope she picks more up quickly and we can avoid some tantrums!

Here she is signing "all done"

Fun stuff!
It has been terribly cold here the past few days (the high today was 14). We've been letting the dogs in a little earlier than usual, much to Olivia's delight. She still loves the dogs:

We're ready for some warmer weather! At least out of the teens... Have a good week!

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