Monday, August 24, 2009

Catch Up

Reading back, I realized I left out a few things! The weekend of Olivia's birthday (08/08/09), I took her to Arts on Fire, a pottery studio close to our house. I wanted to make a plate with her handprints and let her "paint" a tile for her room. A friend in TN did this with her 1 year old and it turned out so cute, I wanted to give it a try!

We started out pretty well:



But, things gradually went downhill:


It was too much for her- she HAD to get the paint in her mouth!


I tried my best to keep the paintbrushes away from her mouth, but she was determined. The workers assured me the paint was lead free, HA! It was really funny, she was using the paintbrushes like spoons. This is what we ended up with:


I love how it turned out! The tile on the right is her "masterpiece" and if you look closely, you can see her footprint. I just stamped it right on top of all her artwork. Definitely something I want to do for every birthday.

All summer I've been meaning to take both babies to Belleview Park. I kept hearing great things about it and thinking we need to go, so we finally went last Friday. The park has a petting farm with a calf, sheep, pig, duck, chickens, and turkey. Avry and Olivia both seem to love animals and now that they're both walking, I thought they would love to pet all the animals. This is the only picture I got of our petting farm experience:


Why, you ask? Because the second Olivia realized the animals were roaming freely and not behind the fence, she LOST it. She had a death grip on my neck. Not sure what she thought the animals would do. Avry was a little scared, but luckily she walked around. Olivia finally loosened her grip and actually petted a sheep, but the petting farm was short lived for us.

We next headed over to the train that runs around the length of the park, about a 5 minute ride. It cost $1.00 for us to ride. I love cheap entertainment! They both sat surprisingly still once the ride started.

Waiting on the train ride:


The train runs Memorial Day - Labor Day and cost $1.00 per person for 3 and over. There were quite a few people at the park that day, but we only had to wait through one train ride.
The park also has a small creek running through it, which I didn't realize. That's where pretty much all the kids were gathered. There is a small "beach" area that I thought the girls would like to play in, but as soon as they saw all the kids in the water, they made a beeline. The only time all day they were both headed in the same direction! Since I didn't have bathing suits for them, I stripped them to their diapers and let them loose.



I know it looks like mud, but I promise it's sand!


Snack time!



Here they're banging on the picnic table and waiting for the train to go by so we can all wave.


I love this picture of Avry trying to get her leg up on the table:


And that was our day at the park! We'll definitely go back in the future!
I took Olivia to the pool this weekend. The first time we've been to the pool by our house since she started walking.




We're trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer- it went by so fast! Our pools are only open about 2 more weeks. Sigh. Although I'm really looking forward to Halloween this year. And hayrides. And brisk Fall days. OK, maybe cooler weather isn't so bad...

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