Monday, January 12, 2009

Rice cereal, take 2!

It's funny how 2 weeks can make such a difference in a baby. Olivia loves her rice cereal, now! The first bite or two are always rough, but the longer I feed her, the better she does. I guess you can tell from my previous post that she's doing much better during the day. She's in a much better mood and giggly again, which is nice. HOWEVER, her sleeping at night went downhill fast. It seems if she's happy during the day, she sleeps horribly at night. If she's a grumpy mess during the day, she sleeps better at night. So, if we can just get the two together, we'll be great! Currently, she's waking up every hour to hour and half at night, which makes for a very tired mommy and daddy. :)

First bites:



Getting better:


And a video:

My other "project" this week was working on baby food. Yes, an exciting life I lead! I checked out a book on healthy eating habits for kids and homemade baby food was highly recommended. So, I got 2 organic sweet potatos and got started!



Blending (Michael got me the blender for Christmas):




The next morning, I popped out the frozen cubes, labeled them, and put them back in the freezer. When Livi's ready for vegetables in a month or so, we'll be ready! 2 sweet potatos made 26 ounces of food.


This is the other reason I had so much time on my hands:


Snowing and COLD with more snow on the way. Yuck! We're both bored:


But, happy!


I also need to apologize to anyone who's called my cell phone lately. I've started leaving it on "silent," because it wakes the babies up, but I keep forgetting to check it. I had 3 messages tonight from the past two days, but with the time difference, I didn't return phone calls- I will tomorrow! :)
One last video: Olivia's opinion of the dogs

Have a good day!

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