Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!


We've had a cold, gray, rainy day for Easter. I really wanted to make some pictures of Olivia outside, but the weather wasn't cooperating. I just might put her dress back on if it's pretty tomorrow!


How sweet is this dress? I had another dress I bought for her before she was born. However, I got a 9-12 month size, thinking we'd have a big baby (Michael and I were both big babies!). It was HUGE on her- she's still in 3-6 month clothes. Instead of running to the nearest store, I looked through her closet. I had been saving this dress for a special occasion and since it was cold, it worked perfectly! A really sweet woman I went to church with in TN (and Mom still goes to church with!), Melissa, got this dress for Olivia. Her children (now teenagers, unbelievably) always looked fabulous at church and I hope this made her proud! :)


It has a matching hat, too!



Here she is chewing on her comb. She was getting tired of pictures.




I'm almost afraid to type this, but she stayed in the nursery at church for the whole service! That's the first time I've been out of her sight for more than 20 minutes in about 4 months. Incredible. They had some good toys, I guess!
She got lots of goodies from friends and family back home that she's been happily playing with the past few days. What did we get her for Easter, you ask?


Yep, a high chair. I'm really looking forward to Easter baskets in the future, but for this year, we got her something she really needed! She was much more interested in the toy that came with it. I also got her some really cute clothes at the outlets this weekend. I can't pass up a good sale! While we were shopping Saturday, we visited the Easter bunny. Once again, she surprised me by not crying! He had huge yellow buttons and she was trying her best to get one in her mouth. The pictures turned out cute! She got her very own bunny ears, too.


Unfortunately for her, I got a new camera! I love it and I'll love it even more as soon as I figure out all the bells and whistles. Poor kid, as if I didn't already take a ton of pictures...




She really loves music. Brett and Rachel got her this great toy for Christmas that she really started playing with this week. Well, Avry started playing with it, so Olivia got interested. She's started kind of bouncing to the music. The doorbell rang almost as soon as I started filming, but I got a short clip.

One last thing! This sweet girl is turning 5 Tuesday!


She is having her family party Tuesday night and I wish we could be there! This will be the first birthday party I've missed. I flew home last year in time for her party. We were at her little sister's party in December, but we couldn't manage it right now. Here she is dressed as Snow White when we were home the beginning of February. Olivia was crying and she dressed up to make her smile:


She is so sweet and we love her dearly (especially Olivia!). Happy, happy birthday Maggie! We wish we could be there!

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