Saturday, May 23, 2009

2 teeth and a visitor

Yes, Olivia's 2 bottom teeth finally popped in Monday. They still have a way to go, but there they are! I'm glad, because she refused to eat anything last weekend. She would only nurse and that was sporadic. Not good when you're trying to gain weight! She's eaten better the past few days, but probably not as much as she should...
Her Granny (my mom) visited this week. We were some busy girls! We hit 2 malls, the zoo, the aquarium, the outlets, My Gym, and a cloth diaper store. Olivia started warming up to her after a day or 2, but only wanted me to hold her if I was in the room. She WILL get over this separation anxiety. Eventually.
Here are some pics from this week:
Playing at My Gym with her first pigtails.

At the Aquarium. It was my first time to visit and I have to say it's a pretty nice aquarium, considering we're about 900 miles from the ocean.




The zoo:



We got pretty close to the peacock. Olivia was entranced with him!




Her favorite animals at the zoo? The geese that wander around EVERYWHERE. Seriously, they are all over the zoo and many of them have goslings. There are signs everywhere saying not to chase the goslings, because the adult geese would bite. She loved looking at them!

We took her to Sloan's Lake Park in downtown Denver, because I wanted to make some "official" 9 month pictures. It has great views of the mountains and the skyline. Unfortunately, it was overcast and even more unfortunately, we had an unhappy baby:



I didn't want to waste the trip downtown, so I had mom take some pictures. I was hoping I could crop myself out of them, but it didn't happen. I guess I'll be taking more pictures of her in this outfit! I sewed the tutu and it took some time, so she will be wearing it again!




She's screaming in this picture, but I thought it was cute how the wind blew her tutu over her head:


See? Not all tears with Granny!


Friday we stopped by her pediatrician, so I could weigh her. She's been gaining 7-8 ounces a month and they want her to be gaining more, so she technically should have gained AT LEAST 4 ounces, hopefully more since her appointment 2 weeks ago. The verdict? She LOST half an ounce. 13 pounds, 9.5 ounces. I'm sure not eating last weekend had something to do with it, but she's going to have to step it up (or eat it up) to make up for it! She needs to gain about a pound before June 19th. Fingers crossed!
Hope you're having a great weekend! We wanted to go to the pool today (they opened yesterday), but it's only 70 degrees, so I guess we'll wait. More later!

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