Monday, May 11, 2009

9 Months

9 months old and so much is happening!


She finally figured out how to move her arms, so she is officially crawling! She isn't terribly fast (yet), but she gets where she needs to go, even if she has to roll there. I've been looking at gates for 2 days, trying to figure out which ones will work best in our house. She looooves to go after the cords around the TV. I think the only way to fix that is to get a new entertainment center, but we'll see.

I love shirts with her name:


Cheesing it for mom:



You can look forward to many more pictures in her high chair. We went to her 9 month check up Friday and she weighed in at a whopping 13 pounds, 10 ounces. Yes, she weighs the same as an average 4 month old! She had always been in the less than 3rd percentile for weight and she somehow managed to drop even below that (still trying to figure out how that's possible- how do you drop below less than 3rd?) She's 26 inches long and in the 10th percentile for height, so at least she's on the chart somewhere! Her doctor suggested 3 solid meals and 3 high fat snacks a day (in addition to nursing), which we try to accomplish, but she's not that interested. So we begin Operation: Fatten Up Baby. Poor kid. This is probably the only time in her life that a doctor wants her to gain weight and she's too little to really enjoy it! I've been adding olive oil to her baby food and giving her full fat cheese and avocados for snacks. If you have any ideas, I'm open to suggestions! Her iron was also low, so she on a supplement and boy, she LOVES it. Yes, that was a sarcastic comment. She gags every time we give it to her and she gets it twice a day. Fun stuff! They suggested putting it in a bottle, but she refuses to take a bottle and doesn't drink enough out of a sippy to warrant putting it in there. I've been sneaking it into her yogurt and that seems to be going better. So that's our life for now! Hope you're having a great week!

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